Workshop in Linnaeus University
From October 14 to 17, the Department of Informatics at Linnaeus University hosted workshop sessions for the TKAEDITE project.
During this period lectures, workshops, discussions, and visits to AV-Media as well as Lillestadskolan in Växjö and Falkenbergskolan in Kalmar took place.
On October 15th, the program at the Växjö campus began with a presentation by Professor Ali Hamidi, focusing on computational thinking in Swedish schools, which has been confirmed. Following this, Professor Marcelo Milrad is set to share insights from the EXTENDT project on design thinking and computational thinking in education, although his session is still to be confirmed.
On the second day, October 16th, the visit continued with a presentation from Professor Mexhid Ferati on STEM education, while later on Professor Johanna Velander discussed the role of AI in schools. The day was concluded with a presentation by Professor Italo Masiello, focusing on teacher training, followed by a project management meeting to discuss the ongoing developments within the initiative.
The final day was in Kalmar and featured an important discussion led by Professor Lars Magnusson on the interplay between information security, GDPR, and educational data. This and was followed by a presentation from Professor Brian Kottonya.
The last day of the visit was wrapped up with a visit to Falkenbergskolan, which allowed participants to explore innovative educational environments.
This project brings together several European universities, including Linnaeus University, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), the University of Oulu, the University of Prishtina, the University of Tirana, the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology, and Innovation of the Republic of Kosovo, the University of Prizren “Ukshin Hoti,” UBT – University for Business and Technology, and the Polytechnic University of Tirana.
The initiative aims to support learners and educators in Kosovo and Albania on their journey toward digital transformation within the entire education system, with a focus on enhancing the digital competencies of K-12 teachers through targeted programs and general courses.
Acronym: UP
Title: Transforming the Kosovo and Albanian Education System by introducing Digital Technology in teacher education
Project ID: 101082862