Project coordinator prof ass. Krenare Pireva Nuci, together with prof. ass Kyvete Shatri and ass. Jeta Aliu visited the participating schools in the project TKaEDITE.
The meeting started with the description of the project, informing the respective School Directors about the aim of the project and the need to collaborate more closely for a wider impact on the quality of education.
All four schools will be given the opportunity to engage in training sessions for the project’s education technologists during the implementation phase. These technologists will be the main driving force for transforming the educational processes within their respective schools.
Additionally, a number of classes will take part in STEM Day events that are anticipated throughout the lifespan of the project.
The project was well received by all of the directors, who also expressed their full cooperation for the project’s implementation.
The visited schools: SHFMU “Xhemajl Mustafa” with director Shpresa Shala, SHFMU “Emin Duraku” with director Visar Osmani, SHFMU “Elena Gjika” with director Zana Zeqiri, and SHFMU “Shkolla e Gjelber” with director Besart Ismajli.

Acronym: UP
Title: Transforming the Kosovo and Albanian Education System by introducing Digital Technology in teacher education
Project ID: 101082862